Tuesday, October 16, 2007

10 Things About Me

1. I have 8 brother's and no sister's.
2. I don't like Thai people.
3. I love my daughter.
4. My favorite movies are about racing.
5. My favorite food is Asian food.
6. I want only 4 kids.
7. My favorite shoes are Adidas, Nike, Reebok, Chucc Taylars, Iversons.
8. The Colors I wear the most is blue, black, gray, white, green, royal blue, light brown.
9. My best friend's are Bronson, Cha, Tim, Bee, Thur, Joseph, Robert, Tommy, Lorenzo, and there is more of them that are my best friend's.
10. One thing I love about myself is helpping my little brother's not to follow mine and my older brother's foot step's


Lesli said...

I think it is great that you have so many best friends around you.

Anonymous said...

thats good you are teaching your little brothers not to fallow your foot steps.


Anonymous said...

yea i like 10 things 2

@brent j