Friday, November 2, 2007

My Rules

  1. If you drive in the fast lane - it should be at least 10 mph the speed limit.
  2. When you have kids, give them a pet.
  3. Always have a cute jacket in you closet.
  4. Forgive freely.
  5. Get to know your Grandparents.
  6. Don't go out at night alone.
  7. Work hard, play harder.
  8. Laugh often.
  9. Remember the past, cherish the present, and live for the future.
  10. Be honest - always!



Anonymous said...

As a speeder myself i totally agree with number 1 if your in the fast lane GO FAST I Can't stand it when people go slow in the fast lane i mean what is the point!!! :)

Anonymous said...

good rules. i liked number 9